(河南龙宇煤化工有限公司,河南 永城476600)
[摘 要]针对脱盐水一级反渗透系统存在的污堵问题,从设备和工艺两方面进行分析,找出了原因并制定出解决方案,实施后取得了满意的效果。
[中图分类号]TQ 085+.4 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1004—9932(2011)01—0013—02
Probing Pollution Caused Block in Water Demineralizing Plant
DAI Leting
(Henan Longyu Coal Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd,Yongcheng 476600,China)
Abstract:Through analyzing on pollution caused 1st stage reverse osmosis system block in water demineralizing plant from both sides,equipment and process,we have found out the solution which have been proved very effective.
Key Words:reverse osmosis;pollution caused block;filter;consumption of addition agents